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The Galactic Snort: Metaphors and Messages in NiceBleed’s Space Junkie

Exploring the love for life and overconsumption by dissecting the symbolism and hidden narratives

I came across this art piece while at work. As of February 2024, I work at a cafe, bar, and art gallery called The Gallery in Waikīkī, Hawaiʻi. Often, our managers send new artwork for sale in our group chat, and this piece in particular struck me. There was something so fantastical about this astronaut grasping the galaxy and snorting it!

The Composition

The drawing presents a striking composition – a lone astronaut placed in the center of a vast black canvas. However, the individual is not isolated; instead, there's a cutout of the astronaut within what appears to be a cosmic realm – a galaxy filled with bright stars and interstellar dust. Stars surround the center of the galaxy, creating a visually stunning and thought-provoking scene.

The Astronaut

The astronaut, the focal point of the drawing, is clad in distinctive attire – a helmet with a small opening for his face and a notable uniform. This astronaut isn't just an explorer of outer space but is deeply connected to the cosmos. The left hand of the astronaut gently rests on the galaxy as if holding it in place, suggesting a sense of responsibility or care for the universe.

The Galactic Snort

In the astronaut's right hand, a tiny straw – the size of a pinky – is held up to his nose as the astronaut gazes down at the galaxy. The unconventional act of "snorting" the galaxy creates a surreal and metaphorical element. This action can be interpreted as a representation of the astronaut metaphorically inhaling the essence of the cosmos, symbolizing a connection beyond the physical.

NiceBleed's Space Junkie

Potential Representations:
  1. High on Life: Snorting the galaxy can be seen as a metaphor for being "high on life." The astronaut is not just exploring space but is intoxicated with the beauty and vastness of the universe. This theme struck a chord with me. As soon as I saw the image in my work group chat, I sent it to my boyfriend with the following context: this is cool idk what it is about it but cool He replied with a quick: It is pretty cool High on life Those were the words I could express. The astronaut was getting high on life by inhaling everything around him. Being high on life represents the feelings around enjoying where you are by simply existing.

  2. Love for the World: The astronaut's gentle touch on the galaxy implies a deep affection and love for the world. It suggests a connection beyond the self, emphasizing the importance of cherishing and preserving the environment. I’m unsure about this observation, but something must be said about the astronaut’s left hand. Instead of tightly grasping the galaxy, the astronaut rests his hand on the stars like a table. There is no clear sign of possession; it simply looks like he’s consuming what is in front of him. The visualization here may represent an interest in the world and the magic within the stars.

  3. Love for Exploration: The drawing embodies a love for exploration, portraying the astronaut as someone who is not only venturing into the cosmos but also embracing it with open arms. Anyone could have created a visual of a man snorting coke off a table; we’ll make that clear first. But this particular depiction chooses to portray an astronaut, often characterized as a brave, daring, and intelligent individual who travels beyond Earth’s atmosphere to explore the unknown. There’s something to be said about selecting an astronaut and the galaxy as the item of consumption. Embedded is the love for exploring the world, bravely consuming the unknown.

  4. Extreme Overconsumption: On a more cautionary note, the drawing could be interpreted as a commentary on the potential consequences of overconsumption. The act of snorting the galaxy might symbolize humanity's unsustainable exploitation of natural resources. The astronaut could represent individuals on Earth who choose to consume everything in their path and do not respect the balance of nature. This visual reminded me of Pixar’s WALL-E, a film that uncovers what would happen if humans indeed exploited all of Earth’s resources and didn’t care for the planet.

Inspiration and Conclusion

The artist, possibly inspired by themes of life, love, exploration, and the environment, has created a piece that invites viewers to reflect on their relationship with the universe. For me, in particular, this art piece represents the feeling of getting high on life and the love for exploring the world around me. There’s so much to be gained by simply enjoying the world's beauty. There is so much happiness to be felt by consuming what nature offers. "Space Junkie" serves as a visual metaphor for the intoxicating experience of existence and the imperative need to approach life and exploration with a profound sense of responsibility.

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