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Embroidery & Escapism

The art of distraction

Why can’t life be like an embroidery set? One with an outline that we simply fill in and complete calmly. All you need to do is sit crisscross on your carpeted apartment floor, filling the gaps. No care in the world. No stresses. You, your friends, some chill music, and an embroidery set.

That sounds pretty nice. This is the dilemma my friends and I have been navigating. So, why can’t life be like an embroidery set? When I embroider, I feel a wave of calm envelope me. I’m able to escape the worries of the day. I’m not part of this world anymore. I am just present, taking in the moments but unaffected by the day. The thread goes in an out of the canvas. Sometimes we hit a notch, but it’s not too hard to undo or cut off and start again. Embroidering is a soothing activity that requires little to no brain power.

But as my friends and I attest, that’s not what life is. Life is complicated. There are knots that we can’t undo. There are holes we can’t fill. There are lines we can’t fully cover.

In the end, you just have to be ok with that. I’m grateful embroidery has given me a sense of peace. Though I know distraction isn’t the best, there are times when we just need to step back and recollect so we’re ready to take on what’s next. Escapism is bad but at least it’s better than drowning.

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Read more of ascend | a college reflection! ascend is a personal college reflection magazine with short essays, funny stories, life thoughts, important questions, media I love, and more! ascend | a college reflection came out on May 12, 2023, to celebrate graduation and kickstart gap year 3.0.

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