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Author Community - Newsletter Vol. 3

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It’s finally April, which means my book comes out in just a few weeks! Ah! Thank you so much for supporting me through this journey. I really appreciate it. :) We have a few things left to finalize.

Let’s pick a book cover! Here are two potential book covers I’ve been working on with my publisher and an amazing paper artist. Would love your thoughts! Vote here!

Let me know what you think! For those who emailed interested in giving early praise, you can read the first few chapters here! All you have to do is give it a quick read and write a sentence or two with your thoughts. Here are examples:

“Andrea focuses her reader on a critical point - creativity is king, in today’s world more than ever. The stories in this book are indeed compelling.” - Vik Kapoor, Author of First Serve Yourself. “In a world of increasing emphasis on hard skills, Andrea brings the focus back to the creativity and interpersonal skills that are essential.” - Jacob Pellegrino, Author of Redefining Music

Once you've completed that step, you can email your quote to


Me submitting my final manuscript:

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