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DLT at Bryn Mawr

Updated: Jun 1, 2020

At Bryn Mawr, each dorm has a number of students who serve as dorm officers. They’re called the Dorm Leadership Team (DLT). All of the dorms have Hall Advisors (HAs), Customs People (CPs), one Dorm President, one Peer Mentor, and one Culture and Diversity Assistant (CDA). They serve as mentors for incoming first years to help in their transition to Bryn Mawr as well as representatives to create a safe and welcoming community. Meet some of our DLT!

Culture and Diversity Assistant – Tanya Noon Class of 2022

What is your role?

My name is Tanya, and I am CDA of Denbigh. As a CDA, I am responsible for assisting the campus community in acknowledging and appreciating diversity, and working towards establishing equity and justice at Bryn Mawr.

Why did you apply to be CDA?

I felt that being a CDA as an international student would allow me to be a source of support and understanding for others who come to Bryn Mawr, far away from home. I wanted to help create a sense of a community at Bryn Mawr.

What’s a memorable moment?

The most memorable moment as DLT was the first time someone in my dorm asked me to help facilitate a conversation between them and their peer, which resulted in them resolving the conflicts they had.

Shohini Sen, Class of 2022

Customs Person – Shohini Sen Class of 2022

What is your role?

My name is Shohini and I am a Customs Person on Denbigh 1st. CPs are responsible for helping new students on the hall to help with the transition to Bryn Mawr.

Why did you apply for CP?

I applied for this position because I found the role of a CP one of the most important roles during Customs Week. They are the most direct resource for any first year beginning to adjust to college. It is essential that CP is there for their Customs kids and I want to be there for mine.

What’s a memorable moment?

The most notable moment as a DLT was receiving a sweet note from some of my Customs kids on the first day of classes. We truly look out for each other and make sure we are all ok. That mutual support system is an amazing thing to have.

Elizabeth McCarver, Class of 2021

Hall Advisor– Elizabeth McCarver Class of 2021

What is your role?

My name is Elizabeth McCarver, I use she/her pronouns, and I am a Hall Advisor on Radnor 2nd this year. This is my second year being part of the Dorm Leadership Team – last year I was a Customs Person in Rhoads – and I love it. I love helping and supporting people, and that is a big part of what being on the DLT means. I think Bryn Mawr is really unique amongst other colleges in that the DLT isn’t looking to enforce rules or punish people, but rather to help people on this campus stay safe and happy while they live here. As a Hall Advisor my job is not to question whether the people who drink on my hall are under 21, but rather whether they are drinking responsibly and getting them the medical help they need if they get themselves into a dangerous situation, without judgement or reprimand. Hall Advisors are trained in conflict management, drug and alcohol safety, fire and emergency safety, and even counseling.

Why did you apply for HA?

I wanted to be part of the DLT because they were the people I went to when I was in crisis as a first year, and I wanted to be that person for other members of the Bryn Mawr community.

What’s a memorable moment?

I remember I was having a rough time adjusting to college and I wanted to go to the Health Center and talk to a counselor, but the Health Center was closed. I felt like I had nowhere to go. Then I remembered that someone I knew from my English class was a Hall Advisor and I went straight to her room. She was able to help me call a counseling service and I left her room feeling far less hopeless and alone than I had when I walked in. I knew then that I wanted to be that person for other Bryn Mawr students.

Andrea Lirio, Class of 2022

Peer Mentor – Andrea Lirio Class of 2022

What is your role?

My name is Andrea Lirio, and I am Peer Mentor of Erdman. I aim to help students with course registration, stress management, problem solving, and study skills. I love being able to get to know people in my community as a dorm leader. I’m glad I can serve as a resource for my peers!

Why did you apply for Peer Mentor?

I applied for Peer Mentor because I was interested in sharing what I experienced as a first year to help make the process easier for incoming students. I love organizing things, setting goals, and problem solving; I thought it would be an amazing opportunity to get to know new people and apply my skills to help others!

What’s a memorable moment?

My most memorable moment was being able to help my first mentee! After an information session, people lined up to ask me questions. I love being able to help peers relieve some stress! College can be stressful, but there are ways to address everything!

Dorm President

Dorm Presidents host dorm meetings, handle party forms/common room reservations,  oversee dorm funds, and help plan activities/parties for the dorm. They represent the dorm at Residence Council to address concerns on Facilities, Housekeeping, room changes, etc.

For more, visit The Mawr You Know.

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