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Just Some College A cappella, Zoom & Video Editing

I wanted to talk a little bit about this video I edited for my college's a cappella group, the Night Owls.

In March, the group was lucky enough to complete our annual Spring Tour to New York City and Boston. This year, we visited Columbia's Clefhangers, Wellesley's Tupelos, and Brandeis' Too Cheap for Instruments. Before leaving for tour, though, we were super worried, especially as coronavirus has just started taking over the media. Without any formal announcements to stay at home, we went on our tour!

Following tour, we were ready to come back to campus from Spring break. Instead of our normal welcome back, we were asked to remain home until further notice. At first, we were told to stay home until late March. Later, it moved to early April, later April, early May, etc. In the end, like many schools, we weren't able to come back to campus.

This left our a cappella group with two main feelings.

  1. We missed college and each other.

  2. We missed singing as a group.

Instead of waiting to return to campus, we took it into our own hands. As President, I brought up the idea of doing a Zoom themed music video, which was inspired by another college's edited video. Everyone was super excited about the idea!

The main question was how was I going to make it? I had dabbled in video editing but had never really edited a video to look like something else. I headed straight for Youtube! I had everyone send in separate video recordings of them singing the song and ended up figuring out how to edit it, but it definitely took a lot of patience and persistence. I heard the song more times than I'd like to count. I couldn't get the song out of my head for weeks. (Which I guess isn't too bad because we do sound bomb!)

After two long nights of editing, straining my eyes, and listening to the same tracks, I finally finished the video! At the end of the day, it took a lot of creativity, drive, and patience to get the project done. I'm so glad I was able to organize this opportunity and edit this video together for my group! (It even paved the path for even more video editing!)

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