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My Book is Getting Published!

I know I can't believe it either.

Super super exciting news! I’ve officially launched my pre-sale campaign, which means you can pre-order my book “Creative @ Work” in paperback or e-book and become a beta reader. When I first started writing my book, I didn’t know how amazing this feeling would be; it’s so exciting to be able to say I have a manuscript that’s almost ready for print! While it’s getting there, I still need help, which is where you come in. I need a lot of help editing my book, designing my book cover, deciding on the book title, and more. I’m hoping to share that experience with you!

If you become a beta reader, you’ll be able to get a first-hand look at what I’ve been working on for the past few months and provide me with your feedback — the good, the bad, and the ugly — to help me improve. I’d love your support in any way!

If you'd like to pre-order my book, which will be released in April 2021, you can through Indiegogo. If you can't contribute to help me cover the costs of production, you can always help me spread the word! I so appreciate your support and help through this process. It's been so eye-opening so far, and I can't wait for more.

Alright, so what’s the deal with this book campaign? I’ve signed to publish my book with New Degree Press, a small publishing company out of DC. Their mission is to help students publish their work and ensure that every author owns the rights to their entire work, which is something not many other publishers do. So, how do they do that and make money? That’s a question I asked myself. Well, they have this really innovative system that helps students pay for publishing costs through a pre-sale campaign.

If I reach my goal (selling 250+ books — which I’d say is pretty attainable with your help), I’ll be able to create a paperback, e-book, hardcover, and audiobook version of my book for the world to see!

Also, if you help and pre-order my book, you’ll be added to the acknowledgments! I’ll also sign your copy (I’ll have to work on my signature lol, but I’ll be sure to sign it for you with a special note to thank you). And, I hope to plan an in-person (COVID-willing) or Zoom get-together to celebrate the book launch.

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