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New Project: Writing my first book!

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

So, I’m writing a book!

During my second gap year, one of my goals is to write and publish my first book! Earlier this year, I began work on a book with the working title of “Creative @ Work” with a goal of publishing it in April 2021. It's been a goal of mine to work on a book, and I've got an amazing community of fellow authors and writers to write with and supporting me through the journey. I've already sent my editor my first content for feedback (which is exciting and makes this all very real!) My goal for the book is to explore the creative imagination behind music, movies, TV shows, businesses, and any other problem solving to compile ways we can approach our lives with more purpose and meaning. I'm also hoping to write about my own experience helping with the launch of a new startup, which consists of a TV show and product line.

Over the next few months, I'll be sharing key pieces of the journey with you -- things I'm learning, conversations I'm having, writing and book milestones, and sharing pieces and stories from the book.

And I'd love your help! If you know of anyone who is working working in creative outlets or problem solving and might be a good interview for the book (even you) please let me know. One of the most rewarding parts of the experience so far is talking to so many interesting people for and about the book.

Thanks in advance for all the support and here's to the ups and downs of this journey to write a book!

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