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On Homesickness

If I’m being honest, I haven’t been particularly homesick yet. While many of my peers are homesick – calling their parents and siblings daily and crying over missing home-cooked food – I have yet to feel that way. Personally, I feel prepared and excited. When my parents and siblings left me at Bryn Mawr on move-in day, I was beyond excited — I felt ready. I was thrilled to get to meet new people, explore campus, and learn about a new area. My mom and dad message me every day and call me – usually during the worst times of the day – to check in. Through September, I reassured my parents that I’d see them again during Fall Break in October.

Believe it or not, Fall Break is here. The semester is flying by faster than I thought it would. I feel like I’ve been on campus for years when in reality I’ve only been here for six weeks. It’s crazy! Building up to Fall Break, I realized it’d be weird not waking up in my dorm room, getting ready in our communal bathroom, doing my laundry every Friday, and getting meals in the dining halls with friends. While I’m not homesick in the sense that I feel like crying, I do admit that I’m excited to go back home and see what’s changed.

Things I’m excited for when I go home for Fall Break:

  • DRIVING. I knew I wouldn’t have a car on campus, but I never realized how much I’d miss driving. At Bryn Mawr, I tend to walk or take public transportation to wherever I need to go. It’s been a great experience learning how to use the trains and buses and learning different walking routes to the essentials: CVS, Starbucks, Wawa, Hope’s Cookies, etc. While walking is great exercise, I’m excited to go back home and drive around town again!

  • MY DOGS. I am so extremely excited to see my dogs again. My mom, dad, and siblings have been sending me pictures and videos throughout the last month and a half, but I’m excited to see them in person. If I ever saw a dog on campus or while on a walk with friends, I’d always ask the owner if I could pet them. I can’t wait to go back home to my two fuzzballs and cuddle up with them on the couch.

  • MY HOUSE. Our house is under renovation, and my parents send me photos of the progress every week. When I left, we didn’t have a kitchen at all and resorted to college-style living – a fridge and microwave. They told me that the kitchen would be complete once I get home for Fall Break so I’m very excited to see the final product and break it in! I also can’t wait to see the other new changes like the exterior and new furniture arriving! It’s so strange that it’ll all be different than when I left it when I come back home.

  • THE KITCHEN. I can’t wait to be able to use a fully equipped kitchen again regularly. While I love the food at the dining hall and the convenience – not having to prepare anything and always having a variety – I’m excited to be able to bake again. Friends at school have even asked me to come back with some baked goods so we’ll see what I can do!

  • MY TOWN & CITY. I’m also excited to see my town and the city of Boston again. While I’ve loved exploring Bryn Mawr, other suburbs similar to my town, and the city of Philadelphia, I can’t wait to see the people and places I grew up with and how they’ve changed or how I’ve changed.

Although I wouldn’t classify myself as homesick, I have to admit there are things I can’t wait to see when I get back home to Newton, MA.

For more, visit The Mawr You Know.

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