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Taking Time to Get Involved

It’s never too late to join schools clubs and organizations!

The first semester of college is a whirlwind — there are so many people to meet, new places to explore, things to try, and organizations to join. During my first semester, I was overwhelmed with all of the options. To ease my way into Bryn Mawr’s community, I decided to focus on classes, exploring campus and the areas around us, and spending time making friends. Now in my second semester, I feel more adjusted to college life and ready to join a few organizations.

It was a challenge trying to decide what organization(s) I wanted join. During high school, I participated in more clubs than I could count — a cappella group, newspaper, habitat for humanity, Asian culture organization, etc. By the end of my high school career, I was extremely exhausted and overworked. I didn’t want to repeat that experience in college. I also wasn’t entirely sure if I wanted to join similar organizations (been there, done that). Instead of joining organizations like those that I participated in during high school, I hoped to experience new things — gain experience with an on-campus job, learn more about everything Bryn Mawr had to offer, and take time to settle in on campus.

However, at the beginning of this semester, one of my friends convinced me to attend the annual Tri-Co a cappella concert with her. While at the concert, I remembered how much I missed being part of an a cappella group and singing with friends. Before I knew it, I had my name on an audition form! I didn’t realize, but I missed having weekly practices, getting to bond with people with the similar love for performing and singing, and having fun performing on stage with a group of friends. Singing in a group in high school gave me a space concentrate on solely singing and forget everything else that was stressing me out or frustrating me while going through school. I never realized that until I stopped.

It’s crazy. I genuinely never thought I would be a part of an a cappella group again. But I also never thought I’d take a college math class or attend an all-expenses-paid inspiring women’s conference. Bryn Mawr gave me the opportunity to expose myself to new opportunities and challenges. Bryn Mawr gave me time to process everything around me and get used to being a college student before getting involved in all it has to offer. There’s nothing wrong with not knowing exactly what you want to do the moment you step on campus. In fact, I’m glad I didn’t know because if I had the perfect plan and followed it, I wouldn’t have joined an a cappella group!

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