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That’s a Wrap!

Updated: Apr 19, 2019

At the End of Term Feast with friends!

That’s a wrap! I’ve completed the first semester of my college career! I genuinely can’t believe it. I’ve successfully completed the Emily Balch Seminar, the THRIVE Seminar, Intermediate Spanish, Intro to Sociology, and Intro to Urban Studies! This semester has gone by faster than I thought it would. I wish I could rewind and do it all over again!

I’ve also completed all of my papers and final exams! Bryn Mawr has a saying, “Done is Good,” and it’s so true, done is good! I’ve always been someone to worry about making something absolutely perfect before submitting it, but having this saying reminds me that if I put everything I have into an assignment and feel confident with it, it’s good to go! It’s just a great saying to have with you. We also made these cute Done is Good lists, which made the process even more fun! Every time I completed a task, I was able to go to my list, check it off, and receive a piece of candy as a reward! Bryn Mawr also had an assortment of self-care events on campus to remind us to take care of ourselves while studying and writing. It was nice to be able to take a break after a long day and make something cute or eat some treats and hang out with friends.

While I’m thrilled for vacation to start, I’m also extremely excited to come back for next semester’s classes! I can’t wait to explore my interests more, spend time with friends, and learn about new areas near Bryn Mawr. Until next semester!

For more, visit The Mawr You Know.

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